F1 Boston event for Middleboro Rainbow Assembly
May 3, 2014 Arrival time: 12:30pm for instruction and paperwork Race Time: 1:30pm sharp Presentation of Hiram Cup Trophy: Immediately Following Race Following the race, enjoy the rest of the facilities on your own or in a group. Have Dinner, spend time in the lounge, play billiards, and more. Go online and see the rules…
Wor. Lee H. Fenn is appointed as Executive Editor of Trowel Magazine
I am humbled and honored by the trust Grand Lodge has placed in me regarding the editorship of Trowel magazine. It will be difficult, especially for this first issue, but with your help, I believe we can keep the Trowel vibrant and interesting to the Brethren. But this issue will be particularly difficult and I…
Does Your House Own You?
WOW! What a change in our lives. Yes, I retired this past March and in May we moved into a great apartment at The Overlook. Guess what? We didn’t have to mow the grass, weed the garden, prune the trees or shovel snow during the past 9 months. We just enjoyed our new surroundings. With…
Upcoming MyChip Events
02/09/2014 Family Wellness Expo Leventhal-Sidman Jewish Community Center ( JCC) 333 Nahanton St, Newton, MA 1-4 PM ( set up Noon) contact Wr JR Laprime Master Beth-Horon Lodge 781-724-6024 04/06/2014 Rotary Breakfast Brookline High School 115 Greenough St, Brookline MA 8 AM to 12:pm ( set up 7 AM) contact Wor Bill Asadorian PM Watham Triad Lodge 617-620-4128 06/01/2014…
Grand Master’s “Mini-Tour” 2013
The “Grand Lodge Listening Tour” became a crucial element and a successful component of M.W. Richard J. Stewart’s term as Grand Master. To continue to demonstrate his dedication to the success of the Craft in the rest of 2013 and beyond, the Grand Master will be visiting a region of the state in each…
CPR Training
Click here to download the whole pamphlet.
Wor. Santosouso was honored by the Grand Master
Fred Santosouso was honored by the Grand Master for his work helping a double amputee to get a hospital bed in his home.