Our members have decided to donate all proceeds from the upcoming fundraiser – In Vino Veritas: Spring Revival, to the One Fund, a charity created by the State of Massachusetts in conjunction with the City of Boston to support families affected by the Boston Marathon Bombings.
If you would like to attend the charity event on May 17th, RSVP via the invitation below. (You may also edit this email as you see fit and forward it to anyone you wish to invite to the event. Receipt of the attached invitation is all that is necessary to make a reservation.)
If you are unable to attend the event in-person and would like to make a general contribution toward our overall donation, you may do so via paypal c/o the Charity Committee to treasurer [at] harvardlodge.org or by sending a check or money order payable to Harvard Lodge – Charity.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Charity Committee