
The Lodges that compose the Second Masonic District have undergone a redistricting. The 2nd Masonic District presently consists of the following nine lodges:

As districts undergo changes, the bonds of fraternal brotherhood remain strong and our commitment to Masonry continues. Our goal here is to provide a resource for Masons to stay abreast with the busy agendas of our nine lodges. Here, visitors will also discover valuable information about the lodges, our Grand Lodge and our worldwide fraternity. Masonry is a way of life for thousands of individuals around the world, and a lifestyle which has brought contentment and satisfaction to many. We invite you to peruse our pages and find out who’s who and what’s happening throughout the 2nd Masonic District and elsewhere in our jurisdiction. There is something here for everyone. And if you don’t find what you’re looking for and would care to make a suggestion, we’ll welcome your comments and be happy to consider your contributions.